15 apply for vacant City Fire Chief post after Williams retirement

Mayor Friday Ellis will be appointing a new fire chief following the retirement of Chief Terry Williams, who served the Monroe Fire Department for 36 years. The selection process has drawn attention due to its potential political implications and the diverse pool of candidates.

Seventeen firefighters took the Chief’s exam, with 15 passing the required score of 76 or higher. These candidates have all been interviewed for the position. Notably, the candidate pool includes five African Americans and one female, reflecting a commitment to diversity within the department.

The appointment comes at a time of political significance. The last two fire chiefs were African Americans, selected by African American mayors. However, the current landscape features a white mayor and a majority-black city council, representing a city with a 60% African American population.

Adding complexity to the decision, the City Charter mandates that the mayor recommend a fire chief, but does not require…


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