Board rehires Vidrine with increased, $290,000 pay package; Cooper opposed

Despite complaints that Black student performance in the district is declining, the Monroe City School Board gave its Superintendent a new contract and a $12,000 raise.

In a 5-1 vote with one abstaining, the board voted to extend the contract of superintendent Brent Vidrine by two years and to give him a $12,000 raise, bringing his base salary to $199,870.30 plus benefits. In addition, the board voted to pay the Superintendent 13th and 14th checks equal to 12/9 of what teachers receive, $18,000 in annuity payments, monthly car allowances, an additional $4,000 per year raise in his base pay and other financial benefits estimated to bring his total pay package to $290,000.

Vidrine’s pay package makes him one…

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