She said she has read the city union’s contract, “It’s not worth the paper it is written on.” She said the city treats workers like slaves by hiring many of them as part-time workers or temps at minimum wage with no benefits.
She said if elected, “employees working for the city will become full-time employees when positions are available.”
Demonstrating she was familiar with concerns of workers she said city employees that work in lead positions will become crew leaders for that position.

Brown told the gathering of men that the present administration does not respect them or care about their safety.
She said, “safety will be a huge issue with me.” She said safety belts will be used in all vehicles.
Brown said it had been rumored that if Mayor Mayo is not re-elected that the Public Works Department will be privatized. She told the worker “I will not privatize the city.”
She said she would provide benefits for employees hired as temps with no benefits.
Brown’s presentation was cut short when Public Works director Tom Janway entered the session.