Candidates to appeal for Black vote in N.A.A.C.P. live forum next week

Next week, Candidates in several upcoming races, will get a chance to address the Black community and appeal for its support in the October 14th election.

With the exception of one, all candidates for sheriff and Police Jury District D and F will appear in a live forum on Tuesday, September 19th, at the Monroe Civic Center as they appeal to African-American voters for their support. The forum will air from 6:00 p.m. to 8 p.m. on the Monroe Free Press Facebook Channel.

The forum is being sponsored by The Ouachita chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), which hopes to shed light on important issues facing the minority community in the run-up to the October 14th primary elections.

Chance to face Black voters

Reverend Ambrose Douzart, President of the NAACP chapter, expressed the significance of the forum, emphasizing that it will provide a platform for candidates to introduce themselves and field questions from the African-American community on…

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