Douzart elected to another term as NAACP President

Ambrose Douzart has been elected for another two-year term as president of the Ouachita Parish Branch of the NAACP.

New branch officers were sworn in Tuesday by 4th District Judge Larry Jefferson on the steps of the Ouachita Parish Court House.

The new officers and executive committee of the branch are: Rev. Ambrose Douzart, president; Verbon Muhammad, 1st vice president; Rev. Jesse Smith, 2nd vice president; Shelia Howell, secretary; Lynetta Whitehurst, Assistant Secretary; Charles Heckard, treasurer; Dr. Gayberyl Wesley, asst treasurer.

The executive committee members elected were: Rev. Micheal Thompson, LaTrial Thompson, Roosevelt Wright, Jr., Bishop David Lloyd, Attorney Louis Scott, Attorney George Britton, Atty VaRhonda Burrell, Bertha Wesley, Augusta Turner, Otis Chisley, and Rev. Robert Bradford.