The Monroe City Schools has released its reopening plans for the 2020-2021 school year.
The district’s reopening plan is as follows: Wednesday, August 26, 2020, is the first day of school.
PRE-K to Grade 6, will attend school on campus every day in groups of 25. Students will eat meals in classrooms and have recess together.
GRADES 7-12: Will attend school on campus every other day and alternating Fridays by a schedule that will be announced. One group will attend on campus on Monday and Wednesday and the other group attends on campus on Tuesday and Thursday. Both groups will attend on alternative Fridays.
Students will submit assignments via Google Classroom on the days they work from home.
If the State reaches Phase three of its COVID alerts, then all students will attend every day.
AT HOME LEARNING: Families also have the option of keeping their children home every day and receiving internet instruction.
Parents can consult the school board website for instructions about receiving 100 percent home instruction via the internet.
To reduce the risk of virus infection students and staff will have temperature checks upon entering a school building.
In case students become ill, students will be monitored until picked up and require physical statement before being allowed to return.
All students, grades 3-12, and adults will wear face masks all day unless medically exempt.
Students will eat meals in classrooms and will have contained recesses with their classes. All students will need to bring bottles of water because water fountains won’t be used.
Parents who can provide transportation to and from school are asked to do so.
Other details will be announced as the school opening date nears.