In a groundbreaking initiative that seamlessly merges education and technology, “The Black Tie Guys” youth mentoring program has introduced a captivating app that transforms traditional classroom subjects into an engaging gaming experience. This initiative is revolutionizing the way young minds…
Tag: Black Tie Guys
Pastor Smith’s testimony wows Black-Tie-Guy youth
Participants in the Black-Tie-Guys Program flocked around former Judge James Garland Smith this week when the prominent attorney, pastor, and former judge attended their meeting and volunteered to become a Black Tie Guys mentor. Dr. Smith, who is the pastor…
“The Black Tie Guys”, 17 others get state and local support
A series of local programs in Monroe are set to receive funding from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) and the State of Louisiana in the coming weeks. The funds will be used to support programs that fight poverty, joblessness,…