Inside the board room of the Monroe City Schools is a plaque recognizing Henrietta George, a legend in local African-American history. As one of the first Blacks on the city school board, and the first Black female to hold public…

Inside the board room of the Monroe City Schools is a plaque recognizing Henrietta George, a legend in local African-American history. As one of the first Blacks on the city school board, and the first Black female to hold public…
Starting next week Monroe City Schools will begin observing an optional “flex day” that has some scratching their heads wondering how it will be implemented. The board voted unanimously to allow principals to schedule weekly flex days that will allow…
The shutdown of Berg Jones Lane Elementary School for an entire week due to Covid concerns was not an agenda topic for Tuesday’s school board meeting, but one board member, Brandon “B.J.” Johnson, said the board needs to become more…
With rumors of COVID-19 infections infecting staff and teachers at several Monroe City Schools, there was little discussion about COVID safety procedures at Tuesday’s board meeting. The board spent most of its 42-minute meeting watching a squabble between Board President…
It’s been kept hush-hush for fear of creating a panic, but teachers and staff at several Monroe City Schools are on alert because reported COVID cases at city schools. It’s being kept quiet, but at least one senior staffer has…
Board President says plan is most effective, but not the safest. Superintendent says district won’t test or pay for teacher tests. Johnson says school district is putting lives of teachers at risk. Is the Monroe City Schools…
The Monroe City Schools has released its reopening plans for the 2020-2021 school year. The district’s reopening plan is as follows: Wednesday, August 26, 2020, is the first day of school. PRE-K to Grade 6, will attend school on campus…