The Monroe and Richwood communities recently gathered to celebrate the lives of several cherished residents who passed away during the holiday season, each leaving behind meaningful legacies of service and dedication. Lavern Hester Lavern Robert “Knockout” Hester, 87, a pillar…
Tag: Monroe Louisiana
Council wants patches and holes in streets repaved, oppose slush fund tax
Monroe’s aging streets are showing signs of severe deterioration as citizens grapple with a controversial proposal to renew a 2001 one-cent sales tax five years ahead of schedule. The tax, originally designated for street maintenance, has become the center of…
Ellis outlines vision for Monroe in next four years
In a ceremony attended by hundreds at the Monroe Civic Center Monday, Mayor Oliver Friday Ellis was sworn in for his second term as Mayor of Monroe. The event also saw the swearing-in of city council members Doug Harvey, Mrs.…
Funerals set for victims of double murder
Monroe Police Department is actively investigating an incident involving gunfire at a residence on South 6th Street Tuesday, the site of a double homicide that occurred just three days prior. No injuries were reported from Tuesday’s gunfire, and no suspects…
Violence: If churches don’t act it implies God doesn’t care
Churches are challenged to organize and speak up in light of increasing gun violence in our community. By Roosevelt Wright, Jr. As bullets continue flying and lives are lost on our streets, the silence from Monroe’s faith community grows deafening.…
Gunshots, shooting victims and violence pinpointed over weekend here
Monroe, was rocked by another surge in violence, involving gun violence and attacks, leaving residents and law enforcement uneasy in what appears to be a growing atmosphere of violence. This atmosphere was fed by a series of unrelated violent incidents…
New Amazon center could mean 100+ new jobs in city
A date has not been announced, but it appears that a deal has been cut for Amazon to open a distribution center in Monroe that may hire as many as 100 people if the company follows its national pattern. The…