Your water and sewerage rate is increasing this month, substantially. In 2018, the Free Press warned residents that a sewage and water rate increased, if approved, would hit residents hard three years after it passed because it contained…
Tag: Roosevelt Wright Jr.
DA Tew should give a second look at sentences of the unconstitutionally convicted
Old times are not forgotten in Louisiana, especially when it comes to the criminal justice system. Last week we saw a clear example of the unwillingness of Republican members of the state Judiciary committee give justice to 1,500 convicted…
Pecanland Mall is dying, now owners look to blacks for salvation
When the Pecanland Mall opened in 1985, it was a sensation. It drew thousands of shoppers to Monroe from as far away as Ruston and it boosted the Monroe economy. Much to the frustration of the Black community, the mall…
Is Georgia vote controversy over manipulating black votes?
The controversy over Georgia’s new election law, promoted memories of election practices in our area and laws we changed in Louisiana to respond to them. The Georgia legislature passed a law that provides more access to…
Mayor Staci deserves praise, but thank God for the Voting Rights Act
The African-American community should extend a vote of thanks to Mayor Staci Albritton-Mitchell and the West Monroe Board of Alderpersons for their timely decision to work with the Justice Department to insure minority participation in West Monroe government. While West…
Black members of city council silent about our concerns
The Oliver Ellis administration apparently thinks it can ignore touchy issues and they will go away. It appears that part of the city’s new brand is to “say nothing about touchy issues and hope they go away.” Unfortunately, the Black…
Mayor’s “State of City” infomercial ignored many minority concerns
Mayor Oliver Ellis released a thirty-minute infomercial style television broadcast on Easter Sunday in which he summed up his first eight months in office. It was a beautiful production, but many didn’t see it and many minorities who saw…