South Monroe residents are invited to attend a series of community meetings organized by the Southside Economic Development District (SEDD) to provide input and gather feedback on the potential model neighborhood selections. These meetings aim to engage the local community…
Tag: Roosevelt Wright Jr.
Marsh Madness displayed the work of state’s great basketball coaches
Last week I went to Lake Charles to support two local high school teams in the finals of the LHSAA Marsh Madness championships. Neither team won, but I was fascinated with the coaches. I saw hundreds of scholars/athletes who placed…
The Mayor needs 45% raise; what about everyone else?
In 1979, as members of the Monroe Charter Commission pondered its new government, there was heated debate over the salary of the mayor of Monroe under the home rule charter. The debate concluded that the salary would be fixed at…
Museum salutes the Wrights with Exhibit, reception
A reception held Tuesday night at the Northeast Louisiana African-American Museum saluted Roosevelt and Joslyn Wright for recording the history of Monroe Blacks for over 50 years through the Free Press and the annual Black Heritage Dramas. The salute…
Should girls have to pay $1600 to be on the homecoming court?
Suppose for a moment that you are a poor female and attend a public school. Would you be surprised to know that some activities are off-limits to you because participation heavily depends on your ability to shell out huge dollars…
Both school systems face challenge of educating inner city youth
Both Ouachita Parish and Monroe City Schools have a similar problem: both systems are using methodologies and strategies that are not reaching inner-city youth. Recent State Department Data has revealed a significant disparity in the academic performance of white and…
In life, City leaders hated Paul Kidd, Sr., in death he gets an award!
Each year various organizations present awards in memory of one person or another, but usually, the recipients are politically acceptable, safe, or deceased. The City of Monroe gives Trailblazer awards to individuals who charted paths in the community. They were…