By teaching the test and little else, the school district games the system and cheats public school students In about two weeks public schools will begin taking standardized tests. For administrators and teachers, these tests are career makers or breakers,…
Tag: Roosevelt Wright
B.J. Johnson’s review could save hundreds of homes from flooding
The Monroe City School Board should reconsider its decision to locate the new Martin Luther King Middle in the Parkview neighborhood next to Wossman High School. Even though a contract has been approved, it is not too late to stop…
Why are King Day celebrations held on work days, not the holiday?
Why are King Day celebrations held on work days, not the holiday? As time passes, has the importance of the King Holiday struggle in Monroe diminished? This week, the City of Monroe hosted its annual Martin Luther King observance on…

Neighborhood watch is a hard sell on Southside; there is a way
In a recent meeting in North Monroe, Monroe Police Chief Eugene Ellis expressed difficulty in setting up neighborhood watch programs in South Monroe. It might mean that the chief will have to put on his thinking cap to come…
Schools are shifting into “Teach the test” mode, non-testable information is off limits
In a week or two, many local public schools will be shifting into “Test Preparation Mode.” That means that the regular instructional pace will be halted or slowed to a snail’s pace while the teachers switch to preparing students for…

Ezernack’s “Dummies” book is no authority on council rules
By: Roosevelt Wright, Jr. The Monroe City Council introduced an ordinance to raise water and sewer rates when it met Monday night, but it broke several rules of order in the process. Once the rules are ignored, the precedent…