Voting ends for Neville Charter School application

Faculty and parents at Neville High School completed voting Thursday on a proposal to convert the public school into a Type 3 charter institution, marking a crucial step in determining the school’s future governance.

The vote comes following an October 25th application by the Neville Charter Association, a nonprofit organization, to transform the school into an independently operated charter school. Under the proposed change, the school would operate separately from the Monroe City School District, with independent funding and staffing.

State law required separate votes from both state-certified faculty members and parents or guardians of current students. Faculty members cast their ballots during designated hours on December 17-18, while parents had until Tuesday evening to submit their votes, with one vote permitted per enrolled student.

If approved, the charter conversion would transfer operation and governance of Neville High School from the Monroe City School District to the Neville Charter Association. The Monroe City School Board must make its final decision on the charter application by mid-January 2025.

The proposed charter school would continue to serve students from the same attendance area as the current public school, in accordance with Louisiana Charter School law. The complete charter application is available for public review both online and in person at the school and district offices.